AIchemy Pump Priming Funding Call 2024

Please note: Applications for this opportunity are now closed.


Friday, 6th December 2024 at 5:00 pm


The AIchemy Pump Priming Fund will support researchers in developing and testing new ideas that operate at the Chemistry-AI interface.  This fund allows for short projects (up to 6 months) that may lead to advancements such as new AI applications in chemistry, software development, collaborations, and improved data quality and access.

Funding Details:

  • Amount: Up to £25k per project (award made at 80% FEC)
  • Eligible Costs: Researcher time, access to facilities, consumables (see Funding Call document below for a more exhaustive list).
  • Eligibility: The lead applicant must be a staff member (including postdocs) at UK institutions eligible for EPSRC investment. Industry collaboration is encouraged, however industry partners are not eligible to receive funding.

Application Process:

Full details of the application process can be found in the Funding Call document linked below. This document covers full eligibility details, information required in the application, along with details of the review process and timeline. When submitting your application, please ensure that you submit both the Proposal form and the Team details and declaration form.

Note that this call will use a Distributed Peer Review process, whereby applicants themselves make up the reviewer pool and review a sub-section of the applications. Further details of how this process will run are included in the Distributed Review document linked below.


Please download the Document Pack (click here) it will include the following:

  • Funding Call document
  • Distributed Review document
  • Application Form(s)

Frequently Asked Questions:

Are overheads (estates, infrastructure technicians and indirect costs) eligible on directly incurred staff costs?

Overheads are eligible on directly incurred staff costs. However, as the funding within this call is limited, we are encouraging all applicants to seek support from their university to waive part or all the associated overheads on directly incurred staff, if required to stay within the budget.

Are any supplementary documents required, for example letters of support?

Letters of support are welcome particularly from any industrial partners that are contributing match or in-kind funding towards the project. There is no preferred format, however if they are coming from an external partner, they must be signed and dated by the external partner.

Is the £10,000 limit for equipment related to 100% of the cost of the equipment or the 80% FEC figure the call will support? 

The £10,000 limit relates to the total cost of the equipment and this funding call would provide funding for 80% of that value. For example, if the full cost including VAT for a piece of equipment was £10,000, the maximum the Hub would fund is £8,000.

Can you clarify if project team members can undertake their roles on a part-time basis, for example, is it possible to have a 6-month part-time role, instead of a 3-month full time role?

Yes, part time working is eligible, but all funds must be spent within 6 months of the project start date.

Do you have any advice regarding how to show the ECR status of the PI on the proposal whilst being within the requirements for proposal anonymity? 

One of our funding principles is have 20% of funded projects led by ECRs. There is a tick box on the application form for the lead PI that can be selected as appropriate, so there is no requirement to state career stage in the main proposal. 

The project will be carried out by myself and my co-applicant, we both hold permanent roles at our institution; therefore our time is already accounted for and will not be requested in the costing section. How should we cover this in the application?

In your application you will need to make it clear that it will be yourselves that are carrying out the proposed work and that your time is already accounted for through your host institution. This time would be classed as an in-kind contribution to the funding proposal. You may wish to note this in your justification of resources.

What is the expected start date for successful projects?

Should an applicant be successful, we would expect the project to begin as soon as possible after the announcement date (w/c 17th February 2025) and within 3 months of being awarded. Awarded projects are to be completed within 6 months of their starting date. We will use a standard template award contract that fit within EPSRC terms and conditions to expedite the contracting process to allow projects to start as soon as possible. 

Would it be possible to have PDRAs or multiple PDRAs as PIs on the application (with PI support)?

Having multiple PDRAs as co-PI’s is allowed, as is any other co-PI arrangement. Having a PDRA as PI, or co-PI, is encouraged as this is very much with the spirit of the call and Alchemy vision.

I am an AIchemy co-investigator, am I eligible to apply?

There are no restrictions on AIchemy co-investigators applying to the pump priming funding call.

I would like to employ my PhD student to work as a research assistant, they will have completed their PhD studies prior to the start of any awarded grant – is this eligible? 

If a PhD student has completed their studies sand are no longer in receipt of a stipend or other form of studentship funding, then they are eligible to be employed as a research assistant on an awarded grant.

Is travel an eligible cost?

Travel specifically associated with the research proposed is eligible (e.g. travel to meet collaborators, to access facilities). General travel costs are not eligible (i.e conference attendance).

Will I get any feedback if my proposal is unsuccessful?

Yes, as part of the distributed peer review process, all reviewers will be asked to provide feedback which will be sent back to the applicants.

If my application is not successful in this funding round, will a resubmission to a future call be allowed?

Yes, with the expectation that the feedback given is addressed.

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