AIchemy Summer Internship Open Call 2025

Funding typeStudent Internship
Max award8-week Internship funded at the UK Real Living Wage
Opening date20th January 2025
Closing date30th April 2025
OutcomesApplications assessed when received
Internship dates8 weeks between 30th June 2025 and 26th September 2025

The AIchemy Student Internship call will enable undergraduate students to undertake an 8-week internship within an academic research group based within the UK.  This will be a fantastic opportunity for any student to gain experience within the academic research environment and to develop new skills. This will be a rapid response call and will remain open until Wednesday 30th April 2025 with applications being assessed and funding decisions taken on a bi-weekly basis. Early submission is encouraged.

Prospective students are invited to apply for a paid 8 week internship during the summer of 2025.


To be eligible for this call students must currently be registered at a UK academic institution, studying a relevant degree, and be in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th year of their undergraduate studies. Students currently in their first year of study are not eligible for this call. Students must also meet one of the following criteria:

  • Be a UK national or have pre-settled/settled status under the EU settlement Scheme
  • Hold a current student visa to study in the UK

Project supervisors must be an academic employed at one of EPSRC’s recognised eligible organisations and must be resident in the UK. AIchemy will follow  EPSRC standard eligibility criteria for organisations. Before applying for funding, please check the Organisation Eligibility.

Applications should be led by the student and must have an agreed supervisor and research project.

Funding available

AIchemy will fund up to 10 interns in this funding round. Funds will cover student’s living expenses for 8 weeks, at the national real living wage (London weighting applied where applicable). Payments will be made directly to the student from their host institution

Internships must take place between 30th June 2025 and 26th September 2025, with exact dates being mutually agreed between the student and supervisor.

What we are looking for

Internship projects should align with the AIchemy vision and have an interdisciplinary element included within the project or student development. A focus on demonstrating the development or application of AI to a chemistry related problem would be particularly advantageous but projects can be related to any area of chemistry and use any type of AI.

How to Apply

Applications should be completed using the standard application form available further down below and should be emailed to This call will be open until Friday 7th March with applications being assessed and funding decisions taken on a bi-weekly basis. This process will continue until the closing date or until all internships have been allocated, early submission is encouraged.

Please download the application Document Pack, it will include the following:

  • Team details (student and supervisor)
  • Student CV (max 2 pages) and Statement (max 1 page)
  • Project outline, including benefits to the student and alignment with the hub (max 1 page – to be completed by the project supervisor)

AIchemy acknowledges the equality, diversity and inclusion challenges within STEM subjects. We are therefore encouraging applications for these internships from those who are from underrepresented groups within chemistry and computer science.

Personal data

AIchemy will be required to collect personal information to manage application selection and for reporting to our external funders, EPSRC. Details of what information we collect about you and how it is used can be found on our website (see here).

How we will assess your application

The reviewers for this call will be the AIchemy Executive Team (Hub Managers, Project Officers and Directors). All reviewers will be required to declare any conflicts of interest upfront and will only be assigned to review applications that can be judged impartially. Diversity of students may be taken into account if review scores are equal.

Applications will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Quality and fit of the proposed project – a defined research project that aligns with the vision of the Hub to transform the AI-chemistry landscape.
  • Potential for project impact – both in relation to the science and the benefits to the student themselves.
  • Student Statement – Students reasons for undertaking an internships, specific project and what they will gain from completing the internship.

Reporting structure

At the end of the project, each student must submit a short report on their research project. This report will cover: 1) aims of the project, 2) outcomes of the project, 3) what the student has learnt through undertaking the project. Students will be sent a report template towards the end of their project.

Students will also be asked to fill out a non-mandatory EDI monitoring form as part of our monitoring and reporting of activities to our funder, EPSRC.

Contact details

For questions related to this funding opportunity please contact the AIchemy project management team at

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